Doodle war scene
Doodle war scene

A few hours after the strike, all that was left was a modest crater, bits of shrapnel, and smudges of blood on the asphalt. Three people died in this attack, and three more were injured, including an elderly woman. The missile was meant to murder and terrorize mission accomplished. Anne and I were nearby, interviewing Ukrainian soldiers. One day, in Kherson, the still mostly abandoned southern city only recently liberated by the Ukrainian army, a Russian missile struck a supermarket parking lot. On our most recent visit to Ukraine, the darker side of human nature was plainly visible. Readers of The Atlantic have benefited from Anne’s erudition, vision, and trenchant writing. Anne’s work on that catastrophe prepared her to write about Ukraine’s latest calamity, a calamity whose author is Stalin’s worthy successor. Her book Red Famine is the definitive study of Stalin’s calculated starvation of Ukraine.


View MoreĪnne, who received the Pulitzer Prize for Gulag, has made one of her professional preoccupations (to borrow from Robert Burns) man’s inhumanity to man-­specifically, though not exclusively, the in­humanity manifest in Soviet and post-Soviet history.

doodle war scene

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Doodle war scene